Grow Kit Instructions
Grow Your Own Mushrooms!
This mushroom block is ready to fruit. If you are not ready to use it immediately, place in a dark, cool place. It needs to be opened within the next week.
There are 2 methods to growing mushrooms at home. If you live in an environment with high humidity, you do not need the plastic container set up, and can simply opt for the spray bottle instead. If you grow without a container, skip to step 4. You can keep your mushrooms moist as they grow by using the spray bottle 1-2 times daily.
You will need:
-1 large clear tubby with a lid (a 5- 10 gallon size would work well). This container needs to fit your bag standing upright, with 6-12 inches of space on the side that you plan to fruit it on. Use this only if you are growing in a low humidity environment.
-Spray bottle for water
To fruit your mushrooms:
Find a place for your container. Do not place in direct sunlight. They will grow best with a little bit of light. Ideal temp is 60-70֯ F.
Clean your container to prevent future mold growth. You can use hydrogen peroxide, wiped off with paper towels. You can also clean the outside of the mushroom bag in this way.
Place about an inch of filtered water (room temp) in the bottom of your container. This will help to make a humid environment, which the mushrooms will need in order to grow.
With your bag standing upright, cut an “X” shape in the bag, high enough that the water in the bottom of the container won’t leak in. This should be about 4” tall and 4” wide.
Place the bag in your container. The cut mark on the bag is where the mushrooms will grow out, so allow adequate space on that side of the bag.
Place the lid on the container. You can leave it cracked about a ½” to allow airflow. Alternatively, if your container is in a very dry place, you may wish to leave the lid on all the way to keep the humidity in, and remove the lid once a day to allow fresh air in for the mushrooms. They feed on oxygen.
Once-twice daily, you can spray filtered water into your container with a “mist” spray bottle, to help with humidity.
Every 3-4 days, remove the bag from the container, dump the old water, and add new water in.
Within 5 days, you should see baby mushrooms pinning out of your block! After they start pinning, they should be ready to pick in 5-12 days. You can pull the whole mushrooms flush off with your hands. It is helpful to use a twisting motion as you pull.
After your first harvest, you can retrace the steps above and you will likely get another fruiting from your bag, but it will be somewhat smaller than the first.
Store picked mushrooms in an open container in the fridge for 7-10 days.
We hope you love this fun process as much as we do! Feel free to take pics and share them with us, we love watching others’ progress! Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.