Goodbye, 2023. Hello, 2024.

The year 2023 was a whirlwind for us. Forming our LLC, joining farmer’s markets, moving to a new growing facility… I could go on and on. One thing I’m positive about is that we are just that much more excited for 2024 after seeing all the fun new opportunities that we were presented with last year!

Since beginning our company, we have taken on Federico Flores to help us manage operations and to take part in our adventure. He has been an invaluable asset. It’s so fun to have a friend in the mix who gets to learn and grow with us along the way.

In 2024, we plan to increase our capacity for wholesale customers, and widen our range of culinary and tea products, as well as, create more products that will help new and hobby growers. We are increasing our library of mushroom strains on hand so that we can help to provide them to other growers who want to support a family-style, sustainable way of doing business in this industry.

We are endlessly grateful for all of our previous and future customers. You are all helping us to make our dream a reality.


Mushroom Seeds